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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 19

Bad start we slept in! I guess that we were actually getting tired! Also Angel had sat upright in the middle of the night and started talking to Raymond about broken glass – what was that all about!! The last two days had seen some good biking, fast and long, maybe this had hit us! We had around 98 miles today and starting late – not good!

Same old same old country side, open plains, big skies and pretty hot! But we kept going and I teamed up with Angel at the back. It’s actually not to bad hanging and seeing what’s to see. Angel found a dead firefly which he hoped he could get back to NYC! Very optimistic, but he hope to set it and hang it in a frame. Across the Verdegris river where we saw turtles swimming, and diving, again this was Angel who spotted them. He also noticed that there were lots of dead animals on the side of the roads, especially armadillos. Sad really that so many animals die on the roads.

The day went well and we made the State Park Camp Site, which was huge, and just outside of Girald. Set around another lake, actually I think it was a damned river, but the lake was pretty big with lots of boats and jet skis, and off course fishing – go Angel!
The lads’ bike once again had a loose back wheel with the tyre hitting the brakes, but this time an easy remedy, release the back axel and line up the wheel again – fixed.
The ground that the tent was pretty stony so not a good place to sleep, but hey beggars can’t be choosers!

Girald to Springfield tomorrow. Good night.


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